This topic came up from me because of my TTM need to do a public speaking for his English class. These are some of the tips & info on how to present a good public speaking.
15 Common Persuasive Speech Topics For Persuasive Public Speaking
It will help you to narrow the speech ideas down till they fit the public's mindset. In other words, this page is not about tired and general common persuasive speech topics that have been used too often. Like adoption, the death penalty, public prayer in education, and so on. On my other pages you can find many, many focused fresh and creative speech thesis statements on themes like that. Here I show you some fresh and creative examples of common speech topics to persuade and three simple ways to tweak and twist too broad subjects into a more handy size for research. So, how to write a persuasive public speaking speech about common personal experiences that draw you and your audience together? Just find the missing link between you and your public. E.g. search in the school library or on the world wide web for:
- New trends, ideas, stories, opinions, information and knowledge your listeners do not know, but really like to know.
- A new exciting twist. E.g. Tie two speech ideas together and invent a new controversial insight.
- The way they are affected by your common persuasive speech topics.
- Parents should not spank their children.
- MP 3 players are an aid to concentrate.
- Sometimes it is okay to lie.
- Why breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
- Men and women speak different languages in love matters.
- The majority of graduate students struggle with emotional fatigue.
- Time is much more worth than money, and that's not a cliché.
- Men are obliged to put the seat down for the convenience of women.
- Our generation has a different life style than the generation of our parents.
- Shoes and socks tell a lot about men.
- Work and other facilities need to be easily accessible for everyone.
- The pros of garlic are greater than the smell the day after.
- Borrowing money from a friend damages friendships.
- Juvenile delinquents should be sentenced to bootcamp.
- Obesity with children must be prevented by all means.
Topics for Public Speaking
Top Tips For Your Speech Topic
1. For the big picture, have a look at “Ten Sources for Public Speaking Sources” below.
2. Start a speaking journal. Keep your journal with you. If you are always at a computer, start a speech file. Jot down your speech ideas as they come to you. As you deliver speeches, record your successes and areas for development. Make a list of potential organizations such as service clubs where you can use your topics for public speaking.
2. Start a speaking journal. Keep your journal with you. If you are always at a computer, start a speech file. Jot down your speech ideas as they come to you. As you deliver speeches, record your successes and areas for development. Make a list of potential organizations such as service clubs where you can use your topics for public speaking.
3. Scan the list of hundreds of topics for public speaking below. Choose three potential topics.
“Limitations live only in our minds.
But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.”
Jaime Paolinetti
But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.”
Jaime Paolinetti
More help with topics for public speaking.
Check out fear to get rid of public speaking anxiety. Find out about the importance of public speaking. Structure your speech with an outline. Find more information on public speaking and persuasive speech ideas. Check out master public speaking for top tips.Ten Sources for Public Speaking Topics
1. Interests.2. Newspapers and magazine articles, internet, books, histories.
3. Current events.
4. Events from your past.
5. Signs, posters, billboards.
6. Issues that concern you.
7. Observations.
8. Stories you've heard.
9. Proverbs.
10. Books and movies.
Topics for Public Speaking
Accelerated learning | Accidents | Adult training |
Aids | Alcoholics Anonymous | Alternative Education |
Alzheimer’s Disease | Athletics in schools | Answers |
Athletics for students | Attitude | Audience |
Automobiles | Beauty | Boards of Directors |
Body clock | Body language | Book critique |
Books | Bulletin boards | Burn Out |
Camping Skills | Censorship | Chairman |
Change management | Children | Christmas |
Clothing | Coaching | Colors |
Comics | Communication styles | Compliment |
Composting | Conscience | Consultant |
Conversation | Cooking | Cooperation |
Courage | Crafts | Cravings |
Creativity | Credibility | Crime & Law |
Culture | Cycling | Dancing |
Dating | Decisions | Difficult people |
Discipline | Diversity | Dreams |
Drugs | Embarrassing moments | Empathy |
Empowerment | Endangered Species | Enthusiasm |
Entrepreneurship | Exercise | Expectations |
Eye Contact | Facilitation | Family |
Family history | Family tree | Fashion |
Fitness | Folk arts | Foreign aid |
Freedom of speech | Friends and enemies | Friendship |
Gambling | Garage sales | Garbage |
Gardening | Genealogy | Goal setting |
Goals | Habits | Handwriting |
Health | Health programs | Helping others |
Hibernation | History | Hockey |
Horse racing | Technological change | Human Rights |
Humor | Ideal society | Illiteracy |
Imagination | Immigration policies | Inflation |
Interviews | Job search | Jury duty |
Language | Law | Leadership |
Learning Problems | Life cycle | Listening |
Literature | Logic and emotions | Managing stress |
Marriage | Media | Mistakes happen |
Money | Motivation | Music |
Mutual trust | Nature | Negotiation |
Nervousness | Network | Niche Marketing |
Nutrition | Organ donation | Painting |
Paperless society | Pensions | Personal efficiency |
Personal growth | Personality | Pets/animals |
Philosophy | Photography | Playoffs |
Pollution | Positive thinking | Potential |
Problem solving skills | Procrastination | Productivity |
Professional | Publicity | Publishing |
Quotes and famous sayings | Recent advances in sciences | Recognition |
Recycling | Romance | School |
Sculpture | Secrets of power presentations | Self Discovery |
Self esteem | Self image | Self talk |
Self-confidence | Self-renewal | Selling |
Short stories | Signs & symbols | Smiling |
Songs | Spring fever | Stars |
Story telling | Success | Survival Skills |
Team building | Teamwork | The secret of happiness |
Theater/cinema/dance | Time management | Travel |
Trivia | Truth | Vacations |
Violence in our schools | Violence on television | Visuals |
Volunteerism | Wealth | Wealth creation |
Wild animals | Wine tasting | Workplace |
Writing | Yachts & boating | Yoga |
Zodiac | Zoology |
"Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less."
Madam Curie